Build a PKI with XCA

Spoiler: Because the creation of certificates is rather complex, I prefer to use more intuitive graphical tools. Today I’m showing you how to create a Certificate Authority (CA) and a web server certificate with XCA. After installing XCA and creating a specific database, we will create two certificates (one for the root and one for the server). Bonus, we also show you how to export certificates and keys.

Whether it is to administer my own services or to test secure communications (i.e. HTTPS,SAML, …), we always must create certificates, and the corresponding PKI.

KonradDaniel @ pixabay

I don’t know about you, but it’s not really my favorite step. I don’t find the documentation or the use of openssl (1) particularly pleasant so, without any shame, I prefer graphical solutions…

Before starting

Install XCA

XCA is my favorite GUI application for managing my PKIs. It allows to create keys, certificates and signature requests very intuitively. And in the end, to export everything easily.

The download page has everything you need to get the app:

  1. A Windows executable to install it,
  2. A portable archive to run it on Windows without installing it,
  3. A package for Mac users,
  4. An archive containing the source code if you want to compile it yourself.

Under Linux, most distributions have an installable xca package. On Debian, Ubuntu and its derivatives, the package is available by default.

sudo apt-get install xca

For Red Hat, Centos and its derivatives, you will first need to install the additional repositories (EPEL) but once done,xca is available in one line:

sudo yum install xca

Create a Database

To store your certificates, and especially your private keys, xca uses a specific encrypted file that you therefore need to create.

To do this, go to the File / New DataBase menu, choose the location of your file, give it a name and save. The next screen asks you to enter a password to secure your file.

Password for the new database.

Create the CA

Unsurprisingly, the first thing to create is the CA, which will be used to sign our other certificates. And for that, we go to the certificates tab and click on the New Certificate button.

Initial screen


xca will open a new window allowing you to finely configure the certificate. Here we are only going to configure the minimum through two of the tabs, source and sujet.

The Source tab, open by default, allows you to configure the type of certificate as follows:

Source,type of certificate

I strongly recommend that you then click on the Apply All button. This will simplify the following steps for you like extensions, key usage and other tabs. If you know what you are doing, you can also configure all of these things manually.


The second tab is used to configure the subject, that is to say the identity card of the certificate. If you are creating a PKI for testing, only the following two fields are important:

Subject, the identity card

The other fields are for informational purposes only (detail the identity of the owner of the certificate). They are mandatory when you want to have a certificate signed by an authority, but as you create your own, do as you prefer.

Either way, be sure to provide a private key. For that, simply click on the button Generate a new key.

A pop-up will open asking for details:

You will find the justification for the 3072 bits in section of ANSSI recommendations. Although no key less than 1024 bits has been publicly factored to date, ANSSI considers that adding a margin is necessary to remain cautious.

New Key

Click on Create and after a short delay, XCA will inform you that it was successful.

the key have been created

In our case, we don’t need to configure the other tabs, so we click on OK.

The certificate have been created

Create the server certificate

Assuming that you want to create your PKI for a server (i.e. web), we can switch to the server certificate.

Back in the certificates screen, we click on New Certificate.

Certificate list


We find the same window as before but this time, we are going to change some parameters.

Source, type of certificate

Again, I advise you to click on Apply all, which will avoid configuring the following tabs.


As before, we continue with the identity card of the certificate in the Subject tab.

The CommonName was initially used to check that the certificate corresponds to the site that used it, but this use is now considered obsolete, chrome and firefox no longer rely on this field but on the “Subject Alternative Name” extension. For your convenience, XCA automatically copies your CN to this extension.

The other fields are for informational purposes and are only important if you want to have your certificate signed by a certification authority. The authority will use those date to check your identity and sign your certificate. Here, since we are creating our own PKI, these fields will have no impact.

Sujet, certificate’s identity

As before, you must also Generate a new private key.


As we discussed previously, recent browsers no longer rely on CommonName (CN) but on the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension to check that the certificate received matches the website.

If your certificate is only created for one domain, XCA has already copied the CN in the SAN extension, so you don’t have to add anything and can skip this whole step.

If your server is configured to respond to multiple domains (i.e. - for users who forget the www), you need to add it specifically.

Extension, alternative name

xca then opens a pop-up that allows us to add the extensions. Here we are only going to add one DNS entry, but depending on your situation, you can put more than one, including IP addresses.

Notice the checked box at the top right “Copy common name” which, as the name suggests, copies the CommonName, saving you from having to add it manually.

SAN setup

Click on Apply to take the extension into account.

Back to extension, SAN have been updated

Since we don’t need any additional settings for this certificate, click on ok.

Certificate have been created


At this point, the certificates and keys only exist in the xca database that you created. It is therefore time to export them to be able to include them in your software.


From the application, in the Certificates tab, click on the Export button.

Certificate list

xca opens a popup which asks you for some parameters for the export:

Certificate export

Then click on OK so xca will export your certificate to the file.

The keys

From the application, in the Private keys tab, click on the Export button.

Keys list

As before, xca will open a pop-up to customize the export.

Exportation de la clé privée

Then click on OK so xca will export your private key to the file.

This file must be stored securely because anyone who reads it can spoof you (sign their own certificates, intercept your communications, and so on).

And after ?

Here you are the proud owner of your own Certification Authority (your root certificate and its private key) which allowed you to sign the certificate of a web server. You can repeat this operation to populate your PKI with more and more certificates.

To use it, all you have to do is deploy the exported files:

If you want to make a backup, the most practical is still to save the database file. And if you specifically want to back up a certificate and its key, export both in PKCS .p12 format.