A Parental control bug in airports
It’s summertime and we thought to work on our project while our children were visiting theirs grantparents when the water supply had a problem… 2cm high of water everywhere in the garage. It’s not as if it already happened near exactly three years ago…
The stuff freed away, water evacuated, hole fixed, TboWan managed to finish this article in his mind for too long. Must admit the news forced him a little: parental control apps are now mandatory in all new devices in France (since July 13th 2024).
It truly became synch with the news when the Crowdstrike’s Falcon software, which control and monitor of professionnal windows devices (it’s a kind of parental control app, but for employers) had a bug bring the old good BSOD back into fashion (we were missing it)…
TL;DR: When authority put control and surveillance everywhere, it heads to disasters. And of corse, water is wet.