Anti Waste P0rn
Almost twenty years ago I was watching free access machine rooms at the University (of Science and Technologies) of Lille and I notice that the (dot matrix) printer is making a lot of noise. For one of the student, working on some exercise have launched a printing work. Is it some source code, lectures notes, documentation? No, it’s (7 bit ascii) p0rn.
Two years later, I was still watching rooms, but this time it was at the University (Joseph Fourrier) of Grenoble. There was no more do matrix printer but I discover a fast and efficient way to empty the rooms at the closing down: walking casualy to the room’s bottom (where one can see all the screens)… for the student then hasten to shut down the computers so I can not see what they are watching… you guessed it, (gif animated) porn.
Thanks to dogged works done by armies of engineers and researchers in computer science, our technology has evolved and democratised. Since the 5G network, one can even watch HD porn on a cellphone while travelling by underground train.

With the rising nuber of kid equiped with 5G smartphones (for they need data to know where they are in real time [1]), can you imagine all the risks if they happened to take the underground train!?
Since one can not impose a check about the age at the entrance of public transport, France decided to delegate this liability to porn websites. Indeed, to those hosted in France and outside EU (obviously because there is no relevant underground train in the rest of EU).
Journalists asked themselves how one can check the age of a visitor and if those techniques are working. Some reached us to get our point of view (Raphaël Lardeur for [2] and France Live [3] ; Ameline Lavechin for RMC [4] and theirs TV news [5]). Spoiler alert: it’ll fizzle out.
To deal with those waste of energy done by our government, some independent groups decided to do Justice themselves. Searching a topic with unanimous support, they are attacking paedophiles. I mean literally, or rather physically; by launching ambushes.
Journalist at Le Parisien, Christel Brigaudeau investigated the Ligue Anti Pedo ([6] and in audio [7]) for three leaders have been busted mid-november. She asked us if it is a new tendancy (no, it rises up regularly), the impact of social network (they are catalyst) and on the police investigations (it destroy proofs).
All those wastes despite solutions are so simple and easily implemented: teaching at school the noble art of knitting. It’ll divert the young from they aggressive urges and, most important, they’ll have something else to do while travelling by underground train.